Here in Tampa, we experience a wide range of weather conditions, so ensuring your car is equipped with the right tires is crucial for your safety and vehicle performance. The hot, humid summers and occasional stormy conditions in our region require tires that can withstand the heat and hold strong during heavy rainfalls. 


In sunny Tampa, Florida, having a car without air conditioning can make any journey a chore, especially during the summer months. Many car owners at Ice Cold Air often ask us a common question: does rolling down the windows use less gas than running the AC? 


This belief stems from the theory that AC uses additional power, which may affect fuel efficiency. Let’s explore the truth behind this popular myth, inspired by the professionals at Ice Cold Air and an unforgettable episode of MythBusters. 

Unraveling the Myth: AC vs. Windows Down 

The theory suggests two main points: that running the AC increases the engine load, resulting in more gas consumption; and that driving with the windows down causes aerodynamic drag, which could also affect the car’s fuel efficiency. 

The MythBusters team put this theory to the test in an episode, conducting an experiment with two identical cars, one using AC and the other with windows rolled down. The results were quite enlightening. 


Evaluating the Effect on Fuel Efficiency 

The MythBusters found that at highway speeds, cars were indeed more fuel-efficient with the AC on rather than having the windows down. The added drag from the open windows at high speeds decreased aerodynamic efficiency more than the load from the AC. 

However, at lower speeds, the results might differ. Rolling down the windows may not cause as much drag, and the AC’s load on the engine could have a more pronounced effect on gas usage. 


What Does This Mean For Your Driving Habits? 

If you’re someone who spends a lot of time on the highway, using your AC might be the more fuel-efficient option. However, if you’re driving around Tampa’s city streets, rolling down the windows could save you a few dollars at the pump. 

But remember, comfort is also a critical factor, especially in Tampa’s heat. Even if there is a slight difference in gas usage, the comfort provided by your car’s AC system on a hot day can often outweigh the minor savings. 

Beat the Heat with Ice Cold Air! 

Whether you choose to roll down your windows or blast the AC, Ice Cold Air is committed to ensuring your vehicle is ready to handle Tampa’s heat. We offer a range of automotive services, including AC repairs and fuel efficiency checks. 

Don’t let the summer heat get the best of you! Contact Ice Cold Air today and let our expert team ensure you stay cool on the road. 

Living in Tampa, Florida, means dealing with plenty of heat and humidity. It’s during these sweltering months that a functioning air conditioning system becomes essential. The heart of your AC system, the compressor, plays a vital role in keeping your car cool.  

But how do you know if your AC compressor is failing? Our experienced team at Ice Cold Air will guide you through the symptoms. 

Identifying AC Compressor Failure Symptoms 

The AC compressor is crucial in your vehicle’s air conditioning system. It circulates refrigerant needed for heat exchange through the coils of your car’s AC system. When the compressor starts to fail, you might notice some of the following signs: 

  • AC not cooling effectively 
  • Unusual noise when the AC is running 
  • AC system blowing warm air 
  • The compressor clutch is not moving 


Performance Issues 

When your car’s AC system isn’t cooling as efficiently as it should, it might be a sign of a failing compressor. The system’s performance may deteriorate, struggling to maintain the desired temperature inside your vehicle, even at maximum settings. 


Unusual Noises 

The compressor should operate quietly. If you hear rattling, squealing, or grinding noises when you switch on the AC, this could indicate a problem. These noises often mean internal components are damaged or worn out. 


AC Blowing Warm Air 

If the air blowing out of your AC vents is warm or at room temperature, this is a significant indication that your compressor may be failing. The compressor’s role is to compress the refrigerant and circulate it through the system. If it’s not working properly, it won’t be able to fulfill this role. 


The Compressor Clutch Isn’t Moving 

The compressor clutch engages and disengages the AC compressor pulley. If it’s not moving, the AC compressor cannot receive and circulate refrigerant. This inability can also result in warm air blowing from your vents. 

Suspect a Bad Compressor? Contact Ice Cold Air! 

Knowing the signs of a failing AC compressor can save you from a sweaty ride in Tampa’s heat. Don’t let a bad compressor ruin your comfort! 

At Ice Cold Air, we value your vehicle’s optimal performance and your comfort. Our dedicated team of experts is ready to diagnose and fix any AC system issues. Whether you need your AC compressor checked or other AC system repairs, we’re here for you. 

Contact us today to schedule your car’s AC checkup and ensure you’re ready for the summer heat! 

Our cars are more than just a convenience; they’re an essential part of our daily lives. However, our tropical climate, combined with the wear and tear of daily use, can lead to some common vehicle issues. Here at Ice Cold Air, we want to ensure you’re never stranded due to avoidable car problems. 


To keep your vehicle running smoothly, our mechanics have compiled a guide to help you prevent the five most common car problems we encounter in our workshop. Follow these expert tips and your vehicle will thank you! 

Tackling the Top Five Vehicle Woes 

Cars can encounter various issues throughout their lifespan. However, by understanding the common problems and how to prevent them, you can prolong your vehicle’s life and maintain its optimal performance. Let’s dive into these problems and their solutions. 


Overheating Engine 

Florida’s warm climate can be tough on cars, causing engines to overheat. An overheated engine can result in expensive repairs, or even a complete engine replacement. 


Prevention involves regular radiator checks, coolant top-ups, and keeping an eye on the engine temperature gauge, especially during summer. Don’t forget to schedule routine maintenance with Ice Cold Air to ensure your engine stays cool and efficient! 


Bald Tires 

Tires naturally wear out over time. Bald tires reduce your car’s grip on the road and can lead to dangerous situations, especially during Florida’s frequent rain showers. 


Regular tire rotations, maintaining proper tire pressure, and keeping track of your tire’s tread depth can prevent your tires from balding too soon. A visit to Ice Cold Air can provide you with these tire services and keep your drive safe. 


Brake Problems 

Brakes are essential to your safety on the road. Common issues include worn brake pads, fluid leaks, or damaged rotors, which can compromise your vehicle’s stopping power. 


Frequent brake inspections and timely replacements of brake components are crucial in preventing these problems. Our mechanics at Ice Cold Air are brake experts who will ensure your vehicle stops when it needs to. 


Faulty Battery 

Battery issues often cause cars to fail to start. Florida’s heat can drain a battery faster than in cooler climates, increasing the chances of a dead battery. 


Regular battery checks for corrosion, proper fluid levels, and ensuring your battery is securely mounted can prevent battery failure. Turn to Ice Cold Air for all your battery needs and never be left stranded. 


Ailing Air Conditioning 

With Florida’s heat, a functioning air conditioner is a necessity. But a failing air conditioner can transform your comfortable car into a sauna on wheels. 


Regular AC checks and refrigerant top-ups are crucial. If you detect any AC performance issues, visit Ice Cold Air, where our experts will ensure your drive stays cool and comfortable. 


Staying Ahead of Car Troubles with Ice Cold Air 

Preventing these common vehicle problems is all about regular maintenance and timely attention to minor issues before they become major. Remember, preventative measures can save you from costly repairs down the line and ensure a safer, smoother drive. 


At Ice Cold Air, we’re dedicated to keeping your vehicle in peak condition. With a team of professional mechanics and a commitment to providing top-notch services, we can tackle any automotive issue you bring our way. 


From oil changes to major repairs, we are always here to help. Schedule an appointment with us today, and let’s keep your vehicle trouble-free! 

For those of us living in sunny Florida, the high temperatures of summer aren’t just a cause for beach days but also a reason for concern when it comes to our vehicles. With the season quickly approaching, it’s high time for you to ensure your car is ready to face the scorching summer heat. 


The following sections will guide you through the necessary preparations you can make for your vehicle, powered by our experts at Ice Cold Air. 

Unveiling Key Summer Car Care Tips 

Primarily, your vehicle’s cooling and fluid systems are the main areas requiring attention before summer hits. But other components also need some TLC to ensure their optimal function in hot weather. Here’s what you need to focus on: 


Checking the Air Conditioning 

Your AC system is your best friend during the summer months. To avoid stuffy and uncomfortable rides, it’s crucial to ensure your AC is working optimally. If it’s not blowing cold enough or making strange noises, it’s time for a professional check-up at Ice Cold Air. 


Maintaining Fluid Levels 

Your vehicle’s engine coolant, oil, and transmission fluid can evaporate or degrade faster in the heat. Regular checks are essential to prevent overheating or damage. Replenish or change these fluids if necessary. 


Inspecting Tires 

As the temperatures rise, so can your tire pressure; causing a rise in blowouts during Summer. Regularly check your tire pressure, and don’t forget about the spare! 


Choosing the Right Services for Your Vehicle 

While enjoying the beautiful summer weather, it’s vital to remember that your car needs attention too. Don’t allow the heat to cause unexpected breakdowns or damage. Regular inspections and necessary maintenance work can ensure a smooth, safe, and comfortable ride all season long.  


Our team at Ice Cold Air provides a variety of services to help prepare your vehicle for Florida’s summer heat. These range from AC repairs and coolant flushes to oil changes and tire services. We advise our customers to select services based on their vehicle’s unique needs and conditions. 

Ready for the Summer? Visit Ice Cold Air! 

Don’t wait until the heat wave hits to get your car checked. At Ice Cold Air, we’re dedicated to offering top-quality vehicle services and care tips to help you enjoy a worry-free summer. Whether you need an AC tune-up or an oil change, our experienced technicians are ready to assist you. 


Reach out to us today and let us help your vehicle beat the summer heat! 

In the bustling city of Tampa Bay, your car is more than just a vehicle – it’s a lifeline. The last thing you want is to be stranded on the I-275 during rush hour. Keeping your car in top-notch condition is essential, and that’s where routine car maintenance comes in. 


With that said, our experts at Ice Cold Air have compiled this handy guide for Tampa Bay’s car owners. 

oil change ice cold air tampa, FL

Understanding the Importance of Regular Car Maintenance 

A well-maintained vehicle isn’t just about preventing breakdowns. It’s also about safety, longevity, and efficiency. Regularly serviced cars are less likely to develop severe mechanical issues, giving you peace of mind during your travels. 

Some of the key benefits of consistent car maintenance include: 

  • Boosting your vehicle’s performance 
  • Prolonging its lifespan 
  • Improving fuel efficiency 
  • Increasing safety on the road 


Essential Car Maintenance Tasks 

Maintaining your car’s health is a multifaceted task. Several components require your attention: 

  • Oil Changes: Frequent oil changes keep your engine running smoothly and prevent overheating. 
  • Tire Maintenance: Regular tire rotations and checks for tire pressure ensure better gas mileage and safer driving conditions. 
  • Brake Checks: Never underestimate the importance of brakes in peak conditions. Regular inspections are a must. 
  • Fluid Levels: Besides oil, other fluids like brake fluid, transmission fluid, and coolant need regular checks. 


Choosing the Right Mechanic 

Finding a trustworthy mechanic can feel like a daunting task. Look for experienced technicians who offer comprehensive services and remember to check reviews and certifications. 


Safe and Responsible Car Ownership 

While many maintenance tasks require professional help, some can be performed at home. Checking tire pressure and fluid levels are great examples. Always remember to consult your vehicle’s manual and avoid DIY solutions for more complex issues. 

mechanic fixing car ice cold air tampa, FL

Is Your Car Due for Maintenance? Contact Ice Cold Air! 

Proper car maintenance isn’t just about enhancing performance—it ensures safety, efficiency, and longevity. Don’t let minor issues become major headaches. 

At Ice Cold Air, we’re committed to helping Tampa Bay car owners keep their vehicles in top shape. Our team of certified technicians is ready to tackle any maintenance task, large or small. 

Schedule your service today, and let’s keep Tampa Bay moving smoothly. 

It’s undeniable how critical your car’s cooling system is, particularly during the sizzling Florida summers. The last thing any driver wants is an overheated engine when they’re out on the road.  


That’s why our team at Ice Cold Air wants to help you understand your car’s cooling system, so you can prevent engine heat-related issues! 


Let’s start this up! 

Exploring the Functionality of Your Car’s Cooling System 


Your car’s cooling system is designed to keep the engine from overheating while in operation. This system uses coolant or antifreeze to absorb excess heat from the engine and dissipate it through the radiator. It is the unsung hero of your vehicle, ensuring optimal performance even in extreme temperatures. 


The cooling system’s main components include: 


  • The radiator and its cap 
  • Thermostat 
  • Water pump 
  • Coolant 
  • Hoses and belts 
  • Maintaining Optimum Engine Temperature 


Without a properly functioning cooling system, your engine could overheat, causing serious damage. For instance, it could lead to a blown head gasket, warped cylinders, or even a cracked engine block. 


These components regulate your engine’s temperature: 


  • The thermostat, which controls the coolant flow 
  • The radiator, which cools the circulated liquid 
  • The water pump, which moves the coolant around the system 
  • Understanding these parts can help you spot potential issues before they lead to significant engine trouble. 


Staying Cool with Regular Maintenance 


Routine maintenance of your car’s cooling system can ensure longevity and optimum performance. Here’s what you should consider: 


  • Regularly checking coolant levels 
  • Inspecting hoses and belts for wear or damage 
  • Flushing and replacing the coolant periodically 


Knowing how to perform these simple checks can make a significant difference in the health of your engine. 

Ready to Keep Your Engine Cool? Contact Ice Cold Air! 


Maintaining your car’s cooling system is not just about ensuring a comfortable drive – it’s crucial for your vehicle’s performance and longevity. Don’t wait until your temperature gauge starts creeping into the red! 


At Ice Cold Air, we are specialists in cooling systems and air conditioning, providing the expert services you need. Our dedicated team members are here to serve our community whether you need help with your car’s cooling system, air conditioning repair, or other vehicle maintenance! 


Reach out to us today and let us assist you in keeping your engine cool, even in the hottest Florida weather. 

Navigating the used car market can be intimidating. With a wide variety of options, it’s hard to determine which vehicles offer the best value and reliability. That’s where this car inspection guide comes in handy. At Ice Cold Air, we’re committed to ensuring you make an informed purchase. 


This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essentials of inspecting a used car before buying, ensuring you drive away with a dependable vehicle that meets your needs. 

Understanding the Value of a Pre-Purchase Inspection 


A pre-purchase inspection is a thorough evaluation of a vehicle’s mechanical, safety, and cosmetic condition. It’s an indispensable step in the car buying process, as it can reveal hidden issues not apparent during a test drive or through a visual inspection. 


In the context of a used car, a pre-purchase inspection can provide critical insights, such as: 


  • Revealing existing mechanical issues 
  • Identifying potential safety hazards 
  • Evaluating the car’s overall condition 
  • Uncovering past accident or flood damage 
  • Evaluating Critical Car Components 


When inspecting a used car, there are several key areas to focus on. Here’s what to look for: 


Engine Health 


The engine is the heart of any vehicle, and any significant issues can lead to costly repairs. Check for fluid leaks, listen for unusual sounds during operation, and pay attention to any unusual smells. 


Body Condition 


Inspect the body for signs of rust, dents, or uneven gaps between panels, which may indicate past accidents. 


Tire Condition 


Tires should have an even wear pattern. Uneven wear could indicate alignment or suspension problems. 




A functioning brake system is crucial for safety. Listen for any unusual noises when braking, and note if the car pulls to one side when you apply the brakes. 


Interior Condition 


Check the condition of the upholstery, dashboard, and controls. All the electrical components, including lights, wipers, and air conditioning, should be in working order. 


Taking the Car for a Test Drive 


A test drive allows you to get a feel for the car’s performance and condition. It’s essential to pay attention to the car’s handling, braking, and acceleration. Also, listen for any unusual noises as they may indicate potential problems. 


Remember, it’s important to test drive the car in various conditions, including both city and highway driving. 


Choosing the Right Mechanic for the Inspection 


The mechanic performing the pre-purchase inspection should be experienced and trustworthy. It’s essential to choose a mechanic familiar with the make and model of the car you’re considering. 


At Ice Cold Air, our mechanics have a wide range of expertise, making us a great choice for your pre-purchase car inspection. 


Safely Navigating Your Purchase 


Purchasing a used car can be a significant investment, and it’s crucial to take steps to ensure that your money is well spent. Following this inspection guide and getting a pre-purchase inspection will increase your chances of a successful purchase. 

Ready to Inspect Your Next Used Car? Trust Ice Cold Air! 


Remember, when buying a used car, a pre-purchase inspection is a crucial step to ensure safety and reliability. Don’t let excitement cloud your judgment and rush the purchase process! 


At Ice Cold Air, we are committed to helping our clients make informed decisions. Our experienced mechanics are ready to provide you with comprehensive pre-purchase car inspections and necessary maintenance services. 


Contact us today and let us help you navigate your used car purchase with confidence. 

Keep Your Car Running Smoothly with These Expert Tips from Ice Cold Air! 

Everyone wants to get the most out of their vehicle, but sadly most of us need to give our cars a little more love. Regular maintenance can increase your car’s lifespan and save you a lot of money in the future. 


At Ice Cold Air, we are dedicated to helping you get the most out of your vehicle. That’s why we’ve compiled these top tips to keep your car running smoothly for years to come! 

Regular Oil Changes 

An oil change is one of the most basic and essential maintenance tasks you can do to extend the life of your vehicle. Changing your oil every 3,000 to 5,000 miles (or as recommended by your vehicle’s manufacturer) ensures that your engine is properly lubricated and prevents the buildup of harmful sludge.  


Most modern cars use synthetic oil, which keeps your car lubricated much longer! With synthetic, you’ll only need an oil change only needed after about 10,000 miles. 


See why > Is Full Synthetic Worth the Cost? 


Tire Maintenance 

Make sure to regularly check your tire pressure and have them rotated and balanced according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. This helps them wear down evenly, so you don’t waste your tire quality. 


Tires are directly linked to your safety on the road, don’t neglect this!


Fluid Checks 

Your vehicle relies on various fluids to keep it running efficiently, including: 

  • Coolant 
  • Brake fluid 
  • Power steering fluid 
  • Transmission fluid  

Regularly checking and topping off these fluids can prevent issues such as overheating, brake failure, and transmission damage. Schedule a fluid check with Ice Cold Air to ensure your vehicle is in top condition. 


Brake Inspections 

It should be obvious that brakes heavily impact the safety and performance of your vehicle. Regular brake inspections can help identify potential problems early on, preventing costly repairs and reducing the risk of accidents. 


Filter Replacements 

Filters in your vehicle, such as the air filter, cabin air filter, and fuel filter, help protect critical components from dirt, debris, and contaminants. Just like any other filter, they need to be changed out!  


By regularly replacing these filters, you can enhance your vehicle’s performance and efficiency, while also prolonging its lifespan. 


Keep It Clean 

A clean car is a happy car! Regularly washing and waxing your vehicle not only keeps it looking great but also protects the paint and prevents rust. Plus, cleaning the interior of your car helps maintain the upholstery, keeping you comfortable and keeping the value of your car high! 


Come Visit Ice Cold Air Today! 

Extending the life of your vehicle is a simple combination of regular maintenance and proactive care. By following these top tips from Ice Cold Air, you can keep your car running smoothly and safely for years to come. If you’re in the Tampa area, our team of experienced mechanics is here to help you with all of your automotive needs. Visit us today and let us show you why we’re the go-to mechanic for Tampa car owners!

Find a location near you! 

We’ve all been there, going to get our routine oil change when we’re posed with the question, “Would you like full synthetic?”. You look at the price breakdown and wonder, why should I pay double for an oil change? Of course, the mechanic says it’s better, but are they just trying to sell me something I don’t need? 


With so many different types of oil on the market, it can be difficult to know which one is the best choice for your car. In this post, we’ll explain exactly why synthetic is better, and why its extra cost may be worth it. 



What is Full Synthetic Oil? 

Before we dive into the question of cost, let’s first define what full synthetic oil is. In short, it’s a type of motor oil that’s made from chemical compounds rather than crude oil. Full synthetic oil is designed to provide superior protection and performance compared to conventional oils, which are typically made from a blend of crude oil and additives. 


Benefits of Full Synthetic Oil 

Some cars actually require synthetic oil, while others have the choice. Here are a few reasons why many car owners choose to make the switch: 


  • Better engine protection: It’s formulated to provide better protection against wear and tear, which helps to extend the life of your engine. 


  • Improved performance: Because it is designed to flow more easily at low temperatures, it will help improve engine performance and fuel efficiency. 


  • Longer oil change intervals: Full synthetic oil typically lasts longer than conventional oil, meaning you can go longer between oil changes. 


  • Cleaner engine: It also tends to leave less residue behind in your engine, which will keep it cleaner and free of debris. 


The Cost of Full Synthetic Oil 

It’s true that it is typically pricier than conventional oil. However, although you’ll pay more upfront for it, you’ll likely save money in the long run thanks to longer oil change intervals and better engine protection. 


The typical oil change will offer you up to 5,000 miles of driving before needing another oil change, whereas full synthetic oil can often last up to 10,000 miles or more between oil changes.   


Save at the Pump 

Because it flows more easily at low temperatures, it helps to improve your engine’s performance and fuel efficiency. This means you could save money on gas over time, further offsetting the higher initial cost! 



Ready for an Oil Change? Call Ice Cold Air  

All in all, while full synthetic oil may be more expensive than conventional oil, the benefits of improved engine protection, performance, and longer oil change intervals may make it worth the extra cost. 

If you’re still unsure about which type of oil is right for your vehicle, give us a call today at Ice Cold Air! 

Wait… is it MY car that’s been squeaking this whole time?! It’s a bit unnerving to hear your brakes make any noise, but it’s a common problem that can occur for a variety of reasons.  


In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the common reasons why brakes squeak and how to identify them. 

Worn Brake Pads 

One of the most common reasons why brakes squeak is due to worn brake pads. Over time, the brake pads will wear down, causing a metal-on-metal sound when braking. This has the potential to be dangerous, as it could decrease your stopping power and cause longer stopping distances. 


Glazed Brake Pads 

Another reason why brakes squeak is due to glazed brake pads. Glazed brake pads occur when the pads get too hot, causing a buildup of resin on the surface. This may cause a high-pitched squeaking sound when the brakes are applied. To fix glazed brake pads, the pads may need to be replaced or resurfaced. 


Worn Rotors 

Rotors often become warped or uneven due to excessive heat, causing the brake pads to vibrate and make a squeaking noise. In some cases, the rotors may need to be replaced to fix the problem. 


In some cases, your whole car might vibrate while braking from warped rotors. Don’t wait on this one, get it checked out right away at Ice Cold Air! 


Loose or Broken Components 

Loose or broken components in the brake system can also cause brakes to squeak.  

This can include: 

  • Loose Calipers 
  • Loose Brake Pads 
  • Worn-out Hardware  

If you suspect loose or broken components in your brake system, it’s important to get them checked out by a professional mechanic. 


How to Identify Brake Squeaking 

If you hear a squeaking noise when braking, there are a few things you can do to identify the problem. First, pay attention to when the noise occurs. Is it only when you apply the brakes, or does it happen all the time? If the noise only occurs when you apply the brakes, it’s likely an issue with your brake system.  

Next, pay attention to the sound of the squeaking. Is it a high-pitched noise, or does it sound like metal-on-metal grinding? If you’re hearing grinding, there’s no time to wait! You’ve gone too far, and your brake pads are practically gone. Get into the shop as soon as possible! 

Don’t Wait for Safe Brakes! Call Ice Cold Air 

Whether you’re experiencing squeaking or grinding coming from your brakes, it’s important to get it checked out by a professional mechanic like us here at Ice Cold Air! 

Our experienced mechanics will diagnose and fix any issues with your brake system, ensuring your safety on the road. Schedule an appointment today at any of our 16 locations to get your brakes checked and keep the roads safe! 

Ready to hit the road for that summer road trip? Can we hold on for just a second and make sure that your car is actually made ready to make the same trip that you are?  Here, the car care pros at Ice Cold Air share our (pre)summer tune-up checklist to make sure that your car is ready to hit the road. Let’s go! 


Finally, summertime is here and we’re ready to spend time soaking up all the sunshine that Tampa Bay has to offer. But when traveling this summer, don’t forget to check off car care too. Especially around here, the heat can really wreak havoc on your vehicle, possibly leaving long-term impacts if you don’t keep up with our blazing summer temperatures.  

Of course, if you hear any squealing, your AC isn’t working, or the check engine light suddenly came on: make sure you swing by the shop near you as soon as possible for some fast, friendly, and affordable repair.  

When was the last time you maintained your car?  

Be honest…  

Now we hope that you’ve kept up with car maintenance throughout the year and not just during summertime. (Clearly, season-to-season maintenance is best for your ride). But, hey if you haven’t – we got you.  

Here’s how to keep your car in tip-top shape for all your summer road trips throughout Florida and beyond!  


Summertime Car Care Checklist  

Whether you need to make sure your car’s AC is working order or how your tires are impacted by the hot weather here’s everything you need to check to make sure your vehicle is running efficiently all summer long:  


Clean Your Car  

First, wash all that springtime pollen off of your vehicle. In summertime your car needs to look it’s best; you don’t want to show up to the beach with yellow marks all over your ride.  

Remember don’t stop at the exterior. We recommend that you wash the tires and also give the interior a good spring/summer cleaning to. Look good to feel good this summer!  


All About the AC  

Seriously summertime in Tampa Bay bumper-to-bumper traffic is not the time to have your AC go out in your car.  

If you notice that your car’s vehicle is not cooling well, please stop by one of your shops near you to get it checked by one of our professionals here at Ice Cold Air, it may be something simple like replacing the air filter or clearing out a clog will make sure that your AC is running effectively so you don’t have to roll the windows down. (Unless you want to.)  


Add Oil & Fluid to the Car Checklist  

Repeat after us: ‘An oil change is important’. Each season look up and check your sticker. Are you due for an oil change?  

If you’re hitting the road for summer vacation, then you’ll want to triple-check your oil and fluids. We’re talking transmission, coolant, power steering fluid, brake fluid, etc.)  

A few days before you head out, swing by Ice Cold Air to have your fluids checked.  


Best to Check the Brakes Too  

Your brakes are one of the most important parts of the car. And yet – when was the last time you had your brakes checked? If you’re in for an oil change, it’s good to get your brakes checked too.  


Remember the Battery  

In the summertime, your car’s air conditioning is going to likely be blowing at FULL blast. This means that your car battery is working overtime to help keep you cool and comfortable for the ride. Beat the heat. Make sure you check the battery before you hit the road!  


Check your Car Alignment  

Tampa Bay is well known for its beaches and our potholes. Inevitably these bumps in the road are going to find your vehicle. If you hit an extra bump or two while driving, then your car alignment is likely going to need some adjusting.  

How to know if you need help? It’s pretty easy to spot. Basically, if you’re driving straight, and your car pulls one way or the other it’s time to schedule an appointment.  


Under (Tire) Pressure  

Until you’re in a tire light comes on to check for them being underfilled, it’s easy to overlook your tires. Whenever you’re washing your car, check the tire pressure, the treads, and look for any general wear and tear. If you notice any sort of uneven wear, then it’s time to probably rotate them. You can stop by one of our convenient shops for help with that.  


See the Road: Windshield & Wiper Blades  

With all those love bugs likely still on your car *refer to step one* we certainly need to remember our windshield wiper cleaner and blades! These Florida back roads can really take their toll on your visibility. 

Before setting out, make sure that your wiper blades and windshield wiper fluid are good to go. You can run a quick test before you leave your own driveway if they smear instead of clean – change them out.  


Call Ice Cold Air Today! 

Before hitting the road this summer, stop by an Ice Cold Air near you for all your car maintenance needs. We’re conveniently found across Tampa Bay. Our 5-star team will make sure your ride is best prepared for all the miles ahead. We can’t wait to hear all about your upcoming adventure!  

Book Now 

We’ve all been there. You’re driving down the road, enjoying your day, when suddenly your car makes a strange noise or starts to shake. Or maybe you’re just due for an oil change or check-up and need a reliable mechanic to ensure your vehicle is in top shape. With so many options out there, it can seem intimidating to find the right mechanic.


That’s why we’ve put together a guide to help you choose the right mechanic for your car! By checking for the following signs, you’ll be sure to find a mechanic that will leave a great impression.

The Mechanic Should Be Easy to Contact


When you’re in a bind and need help with your car, you don’t want to be left waiting on hold or playing phone tag. Look for a mechanic who has a website with clear contact information, such as a phone number or email address, and who responds promptly to inquiries.


They Should Offer Information to Help You Understand the Issue

Car problems can be confusing and overwhelming, but a good mechanic will help you understand what’s going on and what needs to be done to fix it. Look for a mechanic who is patient and willing to answer your questions, and who can provide information in a way that makes sense to you.


Quick Turnaround Times

When your car is in the shop, you want it back on the road as soon as possible. This is why it’s important to choose a mechanic who can provide quick turnaround times or at least be upfront about when the job will start and when it’s expected to end.


Clear Communication in Costs

Car repairs can be expensive, and you don’t want to be hit with unexpected charges or hidden fees. Look for a mechanic who will provide a clear breakdown of costs, and who will discuss any additional charges before performing the work.


Always Read Reviews

Take some time to read through reviews on websites like Google, Yelp, and Facebook. Look for patterns in the reviews. Are customers consistently happy with the service they received? Did the mechanic go above and beyond to guarantee customer satisfaction? Or do you see a lot of negative reviews with complaints about communication, costs, or quality of work?

If there’s a bad review, see how the company handled it! Oftentimes, the response to a mistake says more about a business than the mistake in the first place.


Need a Repair? Call Ice Cold Air!

By looking at reviews and ensuring that the mechanic offers clear communication, you can be confident that your car is in good hands. At Ice Cold Air, we pride ourselves on checking all of these boxes!


With 16 locations throughout the Tampa area, we’re here to help with all of your automotive needs. Find an Ice Cold Air location near you and get back on the road with confidence!

Living in Tampa, Florida comes with many perks, such as beautiful beaches, palm trees, and warm weather! However, the humidity, salty air, and extreme temperatures can do quite a number on your vehicle over time.  


As a resident of Tampa, it’s important to be aware of these common car issues so that you can prevent them from happening. Luckily, Ice Cold Air is here to help you prepare, breaking down five car issues to look out for in Tampa’s humid climate. 



Living Near the Ocean 

One of the biggest reasons why Florida weather is so bad for your car is that the state is surrounded by water. The ocean’s salty air can cause significant damage to your car’s exterior, including rust and corrosion.   


The best way to protect your car from saltwater damage is to wash it regularly and wax it every six months. 


Sun Damage 

The intense Florida sun can cause your car’s paint to fade, peel, and crack over time. But it’s not just your paint, it can also cause damage to your dashboard, seats, and steering wheel! 


To prevent sun damage, park your car in a shaded area or use a car cover. Regularly cleaning and conditioning your car’s interior can also help protect it from sun damage, especially if you have leather! 


Heat Damage 

Believe it or not, the heat can cause your car’s fluids to evaporate, which leads to the engine overheating, damage, and possibly a dead battery. 


Regular maintenance, such as oil changes, coolant flushes, and battery checks, can help prevent heat damage. Call Ice Cold Air today to schedule your next maintenance! 



While their name makes them sound harmless; these insects can wreak havoc on your car’s paint! The acidic residue left behind by lovebugs will eat away at your car’s paint, leaving unsightly marks.  


The best way to protect your car is to wash them off as soon as possible. 


Tires Under Pressure 

Tampa’s hot climate can cause high pressure in your tires, which can lead to blowouts or flat tires. It can also cause your tires to wear down more quickly, or hydroplane during heavy rain. 


Make sure to check your tire pressure regularly and keep them properly inflated. Also, consider investing in rain tires or all-weather tires for better traction during wet weather. 




Looking for a Mechanic in Tampa? Look No Further Than Ice Cold Air! 

Just like many vehicle issues, preventative maintenance will prevent any serious damage. Now that you’re aware of the hazards Tampa brings to your car, you can protect your vehicle and keep it running smoothly for years to come! 


Ready for some upkeep but not sure where to go? Ice Cold Air has 16 locations in the Tampa Bay area to help you with everything you’ll need! Give us a call and set up an appointment today. 

With the help of Ice Cold Air, you can catch AC Problems Early! 


Living in Tampa Bay, we all know the importance of having a functional air conditioning system in our vehicles. The hot and humid weather can be brutal, and it’s crucial to stay cool and comfortable while driving. 


But what happens when your air conditioning system fails, and you’re left with no cool air on a scorching day? No one wants that! Don’t let this happen to you, catch AC problems early with your pros here at Ice Cold Air! 


We’re more than just Ice Cold Air! Our technicians are also experts in providing routine maintenance services, such as oil changes, brake services, and more! Regular maintenance is essential to prevent costly repairs down the road, so don’t put it off. Call Ice Cold Air today! 



Sign #1: Reduced Cooling Performance 

If you notice that your AC system is not cooling as well as it used to, it’s time to get it checked. A decrease in cooling performance can indicate a range of issues, from a simple fix like a low refrigerant level or a clogged filter to a more complex issue like a faulty compressor. 



If your AC’s filter is clogged, it’s being overworked! The sooner you fix the simple problem, the less likely a costly repair will be needed! 



Sign #2: Noisy or Smelly AC 

If you hear strange noises, such as rattling or clicking, or notice a foul smell coming from the vents, you may have an issue with your car’s AC. Strange noises or odors can indicate a variety of issues, from a loose belt to mold growth in the system. 



Sign #3: Visible Leaking 

If you notice any puddles of fluid under your vehicle, you should take your car in for an inspection. Leaks can indicate a range of issues, from a cracked hose to a failing compressor. 


Not all leaks are related to the AC system, so it’s essential to have a professional diagnose the problem. However, if the fluid is clear and odorless, it’s likely refrigerant leaking from the AC. 



Beat the Heat, Call Ice Cold Air! 

With hot weather just around the corner, it’s best to get your AC checked early. Ignoring problems with your air conditioning system can lead to a complete breakdown, leaving you without AC in the heat! Plus, preventative maintenance will save you money in the long run by avoiding costly repairs and extending the lifespan of your vehicle. 


Whether you need an AC repair, a routine maintenance service, a complex repair, or a quick diagnostic check, we are here to help! Call Ice Cold Air Today! 

So, you’ve bought a used car, and got a great deal on it! There’s nothing wrong with buying a preowned car, but it’s important to take care of it. Depending on the year and mileage, your car is likely not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty anymore. 


With no warranty left, and a previous amount of wear and tear, you’ll want to make sure you stay up to date on maintenance so your car doesn’t develop costly issues.  


Here at Ice Cold Air, we’ve seen countless vehicles that have suffered from a lack of preventative care, leading to costly repairs and breakdowns. In this blog, we explain why routine maintenance is so necessary for used cars and how it can prolong the lifespan of your vehicle. 

Reduce The Likelihood of Breakdowns 


Preventive maintenance is crucial in reducing the likelihood of breakdowns in preowned cars. Regular check-ups and oil changes, for instance, help to identify any potential problems early on, before they escalate into more serious issues.  


By taking care of your car, you are ensuring that your vehicle is running smoothly and efficiently, reducing the chance of a breakdown or costly repairs down the line. 


Prolongs The Lifespan of Your Vehicle 


Used cars don’t have the BEST reputation for lifespan, especially if you bought one with a lot of miles on the odometer. Regular check-ups, oil changes, and preventative maintenance can help keep your engine and other mechanical parts in good condition, reducing further wear and tear. 


Improves Vehicle Performance 


Regular oil changes and check-ups can help maintain the engine’s power, efficiency, and responsiveness, while tire rotations and alignments can help ensure better handling and control.  


Routine maintenance can also improve your vehicle’s acceleration and braking, making for a safer drive! 


Saves Money in The Long Run 


While preventive maintenance may seem like an extra expense in the short term, it can actually save you a LOT of money in the long run. By catching potential problems early, you can avoid costly repairs and extend the lifespan of your vehicle.  


Plus, regular care can also improve your vehicle’s fuel efficiency, reducing the amount of money you spend on gas. 


Read More > Save Money on Gas 

Schedule an Appointment with Ice Cold Air Today! 

Preventive maintenance is a critical aspect of used car ownership. Regular check-ups, oil changes, and other tasks can help reduce the likelihood of breakdowns, prolong the lifespan of your vehicle, improve its performance, and save you money in the long run.  

If you are looking for a reliable and experienced mechanic, look no further than Ice Cold Air! At all of our locations, our team of experienced technicians will work with you to ensure that your preowned car is running smoothly and efficiently, so you can enjoy a worry-free driving experience. 

If you’re like most drivers, you probably don’t think about getting your car’s oil changed until there’s a problem. But did you know that regular oil changes are one of the most important things you can do to keep your vehicle running in its best condition?

At Ice Cold Air South Dale Mabry, we want to help you keep your car running smoothly for years to come. In this blog, we’ll explain everything you need to know about oil changes: what happens during an oil change, the different types of motor oil available, how often you should get your vehicle’s oil changed, and more!  


What Happens During an Oil Change? 

An oil change is a routine maintenance procedure that helps keep your vehicle’s engine running smoothly and efficiently. During an oil change, old motor oil is removed from the engine and replaced with fresh, new oil.  

This helps to lubricate the engine parts, prevent the buildup of dirt and debris, and cool the engine by removing heat. Every oil change is done using the same process. The only difference is the type of oil being used.


Types of Motor Oil 

There are four different types of motor oil, and the type you use will heavily depend on your vehicle’s make and model. The most common types of motor oil are conventional, full synthetic, synthetic blends, and high-mileage oil.  

Conventional or Standard Oil  

The most basic type of motor oil and is typically the cheapest. It isn’t as refined as other oils, so it won’t be able to give your vehicle the best performance. However, it will still be able to keep your car running smoothly.

Another downside to conventional oil is it will need to be changed sooner than other motor oils as it gets filled with sludge and dirt a lot quicker.  


Full-Synthetic Oils 

Designed to last longer and perform better in extreme temperatures. It’s highly refined, ensuring the highest level of protection for your engine. 

Of course, this means it will be more costly than conventional oil. However, it does last longer as it requires fewer oil changes. In the long run, this saves you money and a trip to the mechanic.


Synthetic Blend Oils  

A combination of conventional and full-synthetic oils. It is more refined than standard oil, allowing more time between oil changes and giving your engine better protection.  

Since it is mixed with standard oil, it does need to be changed sooner than full-synthetic oil. But overall, it is more affordable in comparison.


High-Mileage Oil  

Very similar to synthetic blend oil, but it was designed for vehicles that have a mileage of more than 75,000. It contains additives that are meant to provide extra protection for older engines and prevent oil evaporation, which tends to occur in older vehicles.


So, How Often Should Your Vehicle’s Oil Be Changed? 

Most carmakers recommend getting your vehicle’s oil changed every 5000 to 7000 miles, but it’s always best to check your owner’s manual for specific recommendations. Getting your car’s oil changed regularly is one of the best ways to keep it running smoothly and efficiently for years to come.

Different driving habits can also affect how often you need an oil change. If you find yourself doing a lot of stop-and-go driving or driving in dusty or dirty conditions often, you may need to change your oil more frequently. Whereas, if you do mostly highway driving, you may be able to go a bit longer between changes. 


Keep Your Car in Tip-Top Shape with Top-Quality Oil Changes 

At Ice Cold Air in South Tampa, our experienced technicians will get the job done quickly and keep your car running smoothly! Don’t put that oil change off any longer – swing by the shop today at 410 S Dale Mabry HWY. Tampa, FL.  

Need to visit us at a later date? Give us a call and schedule your next oil change! 

Your car’s check engine light is on… now what? Don’t panic! Most likely, your engine isn’t completely failing, it could even be something as simple as a loose gas cap. Unfortunately, the check engine light itself doesn’t explain the issue, you’ll need to come by a trusted mechanic to get a diagnostic, like us here at Ice Cold Air on 410 S Dale Mabry! 

We know you’re curious though, so we’re here to tell you the 5 most common reasons your check engine light might be on! 

  1. A Loose or Missing Gas Cap

This is a surprisingly common reason for your check engine light to come on. If your gas cap is loose or missing, it can throw off the pressure in your fuel system and trigger the check engine light.  

  1. Faulty Oxygen Sensor

The oxygen sensor monitors the amount of unburned oxygen in your exhaust and sends that information to the computer. If the oxygen sensor is faulty, it can cause the engine to run “lean” or “rich”.

A rich engine has too much fuel and not enough air,

 while a lean engine has too much air and not enough fuel. 

The proper balance is essential for the engine to work properly.


  1. Catalytic Converter Issues

The catalytic converter is responsible for converting harmful emissions into less harmful emissions. If it fails, it can cause an increase in emissions and trigger the check engine light. 

  1. Spark plug or Ignition Coil Failure

 The spark plugs ignite the air/fuel mixture in the cylinders. If they are fouled or damaged, it can cause misfires and trigger the check engine light to turn on.

The ignition coils provide the spark plugs with the high voltage needed to ignite the air/fuel mixture. If they fail, it can also cause misfires and trigger the check engine light.

  1. Mass Airflow Sensor Failure

The mass airflow sensor measures the amount of airflow entering the engine. This is extremely important to the operation of the engine, and if it fails, it can cause the engine to run lean or rich and trigger the check engine light.

Visit Ice Cold Air Today at 410 S. Dale Mabry HWY 

These are just a few of the reasons your check engine light may be on, so it’s always best to bring your car into a trusted mechanic for a diagnostic.  

Here at Ice Cold Air, we’re always happy to help, so give us a call today and let us take a look! We’ll have you back on the road in no time!  

What is a Car Diagnostic Test?

So let’s say you take your car in for a tune-up regularly, always get your oil changed, and make minor repairs before they become worse. If that’s you, congrats on being a perfectly proactive car owner! Even if you’re on the other side of the car maintenance spectrum (it’s okay, you’re on the right track now), you may have wondered what exactly our car diagnostic test shows us, or what it is even looking for in the first place.

Well, say goodbye to sleepless nights wondering these important questions, as our pros here at Ice Cold Air are going to break the diagnostic test down for you. Ready for your own diagnostic test? Give Ice Cold Air a call today, or swing by the shop at 410 S Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa!

What Even is a Diagnostic Test?

Simply put, a diagnostic test inspects all the vehicle’s computer systems and ensures nothing is causing issues. Many people seem to underestimate how computerized a modern car is compared to older vehicles.

The test scans through all the systems to look for any reported issue for any vital part of the vehicle. This includes the:

  • Engine
  • Transmission
  • Throttle
  • Oil Tank
  • Exhaust System
  • Electronics
  • + Other signs of wear & tear

When Should I Run a Diagnostic Test?

A diagnostic test is not required maintenance but is a great tool to spot any problems before they get worse (and more visible).

The most common reason a diagnostic test
is given is when the check engine light comes on.

With the diagnostic test, we can review the codes that are causing your check engine light to be on, properly diagnosing the underlying issues of the car.

Come to Ice Cold Air For a Quick Check-Up & Diagnostic!

Diagnostic tests help you detect small issues that may have gone unnoticed, even to the best technician! By catching errors early, you can save a lot of money that would have been spent on surprising vehicle repairs.

Have a check engine light on your dashboard? Ice Cold Air South Tampa on Dale Mabry is here to help!  We’re more than just ice-cold air; you can trust us with anything your car needs. Call us today at (813) 879-0600 to book an appointment, or swing by the shop over at 410 S Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa. 


How to Save Money on Gas This Summer

Real talk: right now, gas prices are just way too high. Sure, we all know the basics of saving fuel… Don’t overdo the air conditioner, keep your window up on the highway, etc. But is that it?

If you’re searching the web for the best ways to save money on gas, we’ve got quite the list for you! From simple driving adjustments to simply not driving (though where’s the fun in that?), there are many ways to avoid the pain at the pump this year.

Plan Your Route Ahead of Time

It is best to plan your route ahead of time, especially when traveling long distances to better avoid traffic and pick your quickest route. However, you should prioritize the route with the least amount of traffic even if it’s a few miles longer.

Idling in traffic can take a heavy toll on your gas mileage. If you’re on a long-distance trip, try to plan out any rest stops ahead of time to ensure you don’t veer too far from the highway.

Prevent Engine Idling

In an average vehicle, idling can use up a quarter to a half gallon of fuel per hour. As for heavy-duty trucks, they can use up to 0.8 gallons of fuel per hour. This adds up quickly between daily traffic and deliveries.

You can prevent these costs by giving your fleet a few guidelines to follow when on their daily routes.

  • Do not turn your engine on until you are ready to drive right away
  • Turn off the engine when stuck in traffic
  • If warming up the engine is necessary, do not idle longer than a minute or two

Carpool When Possible

Of course, not driving is the best way to save money on gas. If it is possible at all, consider carpooling to work or school. Not only will this save everyone involved a bit on the cost of transportation, but also good for the planet!

Putting fewer miles on your car will help prolong its lifespan and keep you on the road longer!

Compare Gas Prices on Planned Route

There are apps like GasGuru and GasBuddy that are great tools to use when planning your route. You can compare gas prices along the way to your destination and select the cheapest, most convenient option to stop at.

You can even find out the cheapest option available to you locally to better plan your routine fill-ups. Just be sure to be a good app user and report the gas price as well while you’re filling up, that way everyone can see the most up-to-date prices!

Found the cheapest gas in town? Let us know when you come by our shop at 410 S Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa.

Use Your Grocery Store Perks

Many grocery stores have their own gas stations or partner with a specific chain and will allow you to use your loyalty reward card to save on gas. A favorite wholesaler, Costco, allows its members to save on gas at their fuel stations. Costco’s gas prices tend to be several cents cheaper than leading gas stations nearby.

This also causes the lines to be a little hectic, so try to fill up during less busy times such as early morning or mid-afternoon.

Practice Safer Driving Habits

Believe it or not, safer driving habits are also more eco-and wallet-friendly! Your driving habits can take a huge toll on your vehicle’s fuel efficiency.

Bad driving habits to break:

  • Speeding
  • Frequent braking
  • Quickly accelerating

Proper Maintenance Makes a Big Difference

This shouldn’t be as surprising as it is! Many people don’t realize just how important maintenance on their car truly is. Keeping your vehicle running well keeps the efficiency up, giving you more miles per gallon!

By ensuring your tires are properly inflated and staying on top of regular oil changes, you’ll be getting the best MPG your car can offer you!

Time for that tune-up? Call Ice Cold Air today at (813) 879-0600 to book an appointment, or just swing by the shop! You can find us in South Tampa; 410 S Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa.